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November 6, 2020
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24″ Hand Tied Weft

(5 bundles per pack)

Hand made wefts that lay much flatter than traditional wefts and are easily stackable for thickness or color change. They are painlessly sewn into the natural hair using beads. Maintenance is only needed every two to three months.


SKU: 24-HANDTIED-3 Category:
Weight 4.25 g

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder (Rich Peanut Butter Balayage), Bi- Polar (Golden Copper and Honey Blonde to Suit Both Your Personalities), Bless Your Heart (Heart Throbbing Red), Call Girl (Mocha Honey Balayage), Cold As Ice (Icy Blonde), Cruisin’ For a Bruisin’ (Sweet Strawberry Blonde), If It Ain’t Broke Don’t Fix It (Root Shadowed Ashy Blonde with Subtle Medium Ashly Blonde Lowlights), If It Had Been A Snake It Would Have Bit Ya (Enticing Dark Blonde), It’s Always Darkest Before The Dawn (Root Shadowed Blonde), Knuckle Sandwich (Deep Brown with Peanut Butter Lites), One Night Stand ( Sandy Sunny Blonde Balayage), Outlaw (Rich Black), Purple, Silver, Streaker (Multidimensional Blonde and Bronzed Balayage), The Bees Knees (Bright Ashy Blonde Color Melt), The Porch Lights On But No One’s Home (Iridescent Angel Blonde), Two Faced (Sunkissed Brown and Honey Blonde Balayage)